Sustainability Governance
Our Sustainable Business strategy is guided by the Board of Directors with operational oversight from the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Christian Windfuhr.
The Board-level ESG Committee consists of independent directors and meets quarterly to review shareholder proposals and recommendations that relate to ESG matters, assess the implementation of our strategy and review company policies with respect to ESG topics.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors has assumed direct responsibility for ESG topics and chairs GCP’s ESG Steering Committee, the members of which include all relevant heads of department. The Committee meets between one and two times a year and is charged with overseeing strategic guidance for ESG topics and providing direction to the Sustainability Department.
The Sustainability Department is responsible for operational implementation of our Responsible Business Strategy by liaising with all other departments in the Company. It is also charged with preparing our materiality analyses and Sustainability reporting, and responds to investor enquiries and rating agency requirements on ESG topics. The Sustainability Department is led by the ESG Coordinator and reports directly to the CEO and Chairman of Board of Directors.
This structure means that our commitment to sustainability receives due consideration in strategic oversight at the Board level, as well as at the operational management level. For more information, see Corporate Governance.
Our Responsible Business Strategy is guided by the following policies:
- Anti-Corruption Policy
- Data Privacy Policy
- Global Information Security Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Whistle-blowing Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Code of Conduct BP